Tuesday 21 November 2017

Lion and Human Circulatory systems

INTRODUCTION HEADING there are 4 different parts about the circulatory system heart veins capillaries  arteries if you want to learn more about a human . the Lion circulatory system and the difference you have come to the right place

Lion circulator systemy

Lion circulatory system The main function of lion circulatory system is to oxygenate blood and pump it throughout your body.The circulatory system Allows for oxygen to be transported to the cells in your body.
Screen Shot 2017-11-08 at 2.22.19 PM.png
Lion circulatory system

.The major spaces of the lions circulatory system .The circulatory system is located everywhere in your body.the circulatory system is the heart, it keeps you alive and keeps your blood pumping!It delivers oxygen and nutrients to your cells and takes away carbon dioxide and waste from your cell. The circulatory system is made up of the vessels and the muscles that help and control the flow of the blood around the body. This process is called circulation.

Human circulatory system:

Human have a closed circulatory system. This means the blood is closed at all times within the human.  Blood flows through vessels only. Their heart has four compartments, just like humans. Circulatory system is the same as other f, but it is much larger. are the muscle, the spleen, the heart, the veins, and the arteries and the capillaries. The major organs of the circulatory system are the veins.  With each heartbeat, blood is sent throughout our bodies carrying oxygen and nutrients Screen Shot 2017-11-08 at 2.36.25 PM.png
Human circulatory picture

Sub heading (optional, delete if not needed) spleen blood heart

The difference between lion and human heart

Paragraph 3
.The human heart is smaller than a lion,s because a lion has more space therefore they both work functionally both the system pump blood out and in .A human heart beat is 100 beats per minute and a lion's heart beat is between 140 and 220 per minute. A cat heart is bigger than a human. There is no difference between the lion circulatory system and the human except for size and rate some same things are both of their hearts pump blood. They both you use blood vessels to pump blood in and out of their heart.they both have capillaries and arteries and veins and a heart.

Sub heading (optional, delete if not heart human vs lion heart

CONCLUSION HEADING  now you now about the  human and lions circulatory systems now teach someone else. And if you did not understand send a comment we will answer the humans and lions circulatory system are the same

Capillaries a blood vessel in your body  
Viens pipes with blood in your body
Arteries other blood vessel in your body
Heart a thing in your body which keeps you running and pumps blood out and in


1 comment:

  1. ravi,
    i was blown away when it said a lions heart is bigger than a humans heart. what also blew me away is that the humans heart beats 100 times per minute and the lions heart beats 140 and 220 per minutes!


form of one strategy

this helped me for the tricky things in life so now I know how to use it