Tuesday 21 November 2017

The book Sophia wrote is called... A Butterfly's Life!

Click here on the link to learn more about butterflies by reading this wonderful book about them!


  1. I have question, do Butterflies have nose?

    1. They breathe through their proboscis.

  2. I never knew the caterpillars need to eat more and more leaves until they are too big to eat and about point zero pounds.

  3. Dear Sophia,
    I was absolutely blown away reading your research paper on butterflies. One thing I want to mention is that your word choice, and all of that amazing, awesome ALLITERATION, made me smile, and made me want to keep reading. I also really enjoyed looking at the map/diagram that you created about butterfly populations. It was informational, attractive, and creative (in my opinion).

  4. i really love all your details, and all really cool information about amazing butterflies.I really like your map about butterfly.
    I love your work.
    And i have one question they have butterfly's nous??


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