Monday 29 January 2018

Rose, by Nayantara Khanna

Hi my name is Nayantara  and I made this story on migration, I turned it into the digital story above this text. I interviewed my grandmother so I could get to know more about the olden days and the war between the British and Indians. I learned more about the war and also more about reasons that people migrate / move to other countries.  Below is my original story in text.

click here to read my story


  1. I really like how you described what Rose saw through her window, "Out looks Rose, the wet window and broken tree branches, blur her vision." I wonder how it felt for Rose to migrate

  2. I think something you need to work on is the volume, because, I couldn't here a thing.


form of one strategy

this helped me for the tricky things in life so now I know how to use it