Monday 29 January 2018

I’m Glad that I Lived
By: Emelia
Just me myself and I Jannis. We lived in Mount pleasant michigan. The very palm of the mitten. Just me my mom Elizabeth, my dad Samuel, my little sister Ezi, Carl and Carlee (My older adopted brother and sister who were twins,) and my dog's mia and mimi. I know all of them well. Very well. So let's say that mom was strict but calm. Like later on when she’s telling me not to pack my things! Dad was bossy but also kind. I don’t have a point to prove that he was bossy but  Carl was silly in a good way but pretty impatient, Carlee was gentle but sometimes mean, and of course Ezi was cute and sleepy. Same with both mia and mimi.
The year was 1959 and it was fun living in Mount pleasant where I had friends, and teachers and well, most of the whole family! Where I lived with my family was in a large and a bit oversized house with five floors not including the basement. And that’s big! Plus It’s just for me and the family! The place, it was a black, white and leather brown building with little windows shaped like people and a circles, and had spiral staircases that were old and creaky and finally, had a little wooden fence and a metal gate.
My dad got a new job and that was being a teacher. He got an opportunity to teach a couple of weeks ago after he got fired from his old job for getting the whole set of people at the company shouting for more money. But who could blame him?! The boss would give everybody fifty dollars a month and that’s saying something. And only because the boss was a big fat greedy pig, (or at least that’s what I called him) he didn’t pay much for anybody. My dad came home with a strong frown of disappointment. I wanted to get up to ask him what happened but Mia and Mimi were on my lap.
Us kids were invited to go to the school because I had just turned six and was now allowed to go to kindergarten! Carl and Carlee were allowed to go to middle school, and Ezi was allowed to go to preschool! There’s just one problem with that. We have to move to grand rapids.
I was heartbroken to know that! Moving for me and my family, was a big problem. And to make matters worse we also had to leave stuff behind! And mostly the shipment was to much to pay even with a bunch of things not going to be taken! It would probably make you frustrated if you had to move! I was going to tell dad!
“Dad I don’t want to move,” I cried.
“Well, when it comes to the time where people have to move, I pretty sure nobody wants to.
“Carl, Carlee, do you guys want to move?” I asked them.
“Of course not,” said Carlee and Carl announced at the same time
Later mom came rushing into my room and said, “Don’t pack any of your toys even If you don’t have very many. We aren’t taking any of them, except for one. Mom started out with something that I couldn’t possibly hear and then said “Not even half of this house is going to be coming! I know! Insane! It’s killing me!” shouted mom. In my mind I was thinking this: Oh! What a stupid idea but for real I was just saying: “OK then,” and when I said that I had a face nobody can really explain at all but the wide eyes that I had. Mom slowly walked backwards and left the room.
We had asked for four of them and four horse wagons were ready to go as quick as a cheetah rushing around the world in five seconds! Even though it didn’t actually happen that fast. We only ordered those because we couldn’t afford cars either. We left. It was a very long journey. It wouldn’t do any harm to tell you about it now would it? So we got the horses moving and grabbed our tiny little paper bags with all the beverages and food. Mostly mom and dad wanted to bring the cooler with all the champagne and other alcohol. ICK! I hated that stuff! The sun was beating down on the horses which made their coats nice and shiny, walking on the rocky cliffs stumbling over the shadows of the wagons. I was desperate on seeing the great lakes. Oh!
I woke up to hours later and I had no idea where I was except for a cliff and I had a dream. And mom was also waking up from a dream. Dad said we should stop and have lunch but when we were unloading the food…. The wheel fell off! I jumped and dived into action and caught the wheel but let it slip! But now……. The wagon started to tip! That was it! We were doomed! I used all my strength to lift the wagon and it worked! I couldn’t hold it for long. I was only six! Dad and mom rushed with tools and carl was running with the extra wheel and shoved back in place! And I started to slip! It was dreadful! I went screaming all over the place! “EEEEEEEEEKKKKK!” I squealed and if Carl wouldn’t have caught me I would have died. But that’s what I would have done for my family. “You know what? Said dad, “We should not stop for lunch. It will be way to risky. “Ya think?” I questioned rudely. “Get in the wagon Jannis schure!” Mom and dad said at the same time. I hopped in the wagon, so did everyone else and left.

It took us two more hours to reach our final destination but we made it without dying! (And thankfully too) My dad works as a teacher, and I work as a student at school, so does Carl and Carlee, and Ezi, and I don’t mind any more about moving but that I didn’t fall of that cliff. I’m glad that I lived.

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form of one strategy

this helped me for the tricky things in life so now I know how to use it